Elevate Our Future: Invest in Excellence and Brotherhood
The strength of the Hayes community shines through in the support of Hayes Giving Day. Alumni and friends, near and far, generously donate online and their companies provide Matching Gifts!
Join us for 24 hours of giving back to Hayes! Share your testimonials on how Hayes changed the trajectory of your life and encourage current Hayesmen to continue to rise up and achieve their goals!
raised of $650,000 goal802
George Dawson Jr., Director of Alumni & Development
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (802)
All (802)
Alberto Negron
Alexander Santos
Alison Woelfle- Santiago
In honor of Frank J. WoelfleMy father was very proud to be part of the Cardinal Hayes Alumni, he talked about his time attending very fondly. My father passed August 29, 2024 and I am donating in his memory to the school that he loved.
Andrew Heaton
In honor of Jack Hoare and Nick Contino ‘63In memory of Jack Hoare and Nick Contino ‘63
Andrew Susser
Anne Wynne
Anthony Baez
Anthony Cerrato
Anthony D. Del Vecchio
Anthony Di Bartolo
Anthony Montaruli
Anthony Nikischer
In memory of my late brother, Nicholas Nikischer
Anthony P. Cavanna
Anthony Tripodo
Antonio Ruiz
Barry Kakos
Ben Tockarshewsky
In memory of Benedict J. Tockarshewsky Sr. 58'In memory of Benedict J. Tockarshewsky Sr. Class of 1958 In honor of Dr. Vincent Oriente Class of 1958
Bob Triscari
Brendan Duffy
In honor of Rose and Bernard DuffyGerman Class ! Fr Ansaldi. Tough class but valuable less in perseverance! 😂
Bruce Carlson
CJ Butler
My first and only time fumbling a football was against Hayes my Sophomore year!
Camille Cono
In honor of Peter Cono on his 87th birthday
Carlo Bracci Bracci
football games, roller skate club
Carmine Versaci
Thanks for the Great Education at Hayes !!!
Caroline Golja
Charles Powell
My most memorable moment was competing in the CHSAA City basketball finals in 1980 as a Cinderella team vs Tolentine HS
Chris Angrisani
Christopher LeStrange
Cristina Ashworth
Daniel Barile
Up Hayes!
Daniel Cosgrove
In memory of John Conmy’61
Daniel Evans
4 Great Years! and a path to a successful life!
Daniel Meyer
In honor of Bro. Kenneth Lawrence
David Romano
Stage Crew
David Romano
Stage Crew!
David Supple
In honor of John P SuppleIn memory of John P SuppleFootball games _Riding trains from Washington Heights
David Supple
Deacon Sandy Sites
The pride. The sports team. The Chapel. Beat the Mount pep rallies. Many more!
Denis McCool
In honor of Jim Montoux '77
Dennis Donofrio
Dennis Panzer
Donald McAllister
Donna Sullivan
In honor of Joseph P. Sullivan Graduate
Doug Davoren
In honor of Michael Davoren '53My father had many fond memories of Cardinal Hayes and was grateful for the education he received there.
Douglas M. Butler
Duffy Brennan
Earl Rix
Eddie Sanchez
Edgar Diaz
In memory of Tolentino Diaz StLoving Father and Provider to his family!
Edward Buckley
Up Hayes & All Its Loyal Men!
Edward Howley
Edward J. McEneney
In honor of Tom Grant ‘49The best is yet to come!!!🙏
Edward Kenny
Edward King
In honor of May Frances KernWe all miss you Mom. Rest in peace my angel.
Edward Twomey
Elizabeth A. Betz
Elizabeth Cain
In honor of John Duffy and the Patrick Stewart Graduation Committee
Eric C. Theiner
Erle Ladson
In honor of Erle Ladson Sr ‘84Up Hayes !!!!
Eugene Caffrey
Eugene McCormick
In memory of John OCallaghan
In honor of John OCallaghanBeating the Mount our senior year.
Evan McElroy
The great teachers, religious leaders and amazing friends, as well as a wonderful education. Playing in the Marching and Concert Bands with Fr. Brennan and Mr. Ryan; working on the Challenger. Tremendous memories. Up Hayes!
Francis Coyle
In memory of Rev George TiffanyHis teaching style made a lasting impact on me. I carry his legacy with me as I continue to educate young men and women at the college level.
Franco Mormando
Franco Mormando
In honor of Rev. Francis Principe
Francois Rivera
Frank A. Garcia
Frank Carotenuto
Frank Maddalena
Frank Smith
In honor of Lawrence Siri
Franklin D. O'Toole
Gary Gwon
George Dawson Jr.
Amazing work by the Development Team! Keep up the great work! Up Hayes ‘13!
Gilbert Ortiz
Someday...I'll forget about my time at Hayes and all it meant. My teachers, classes, fellow students, the sports, clubs, the play (I was in one!). I'll even forget Father Jablonski waiting outside the school every morning as we filed in hoping he wouldn't notice anything amiss on us. Yes someday I'll forget...unfortunately...but not yet!! Thank you Hayes!!
Gilberto Carrion
Greg Chory
In honor of Don GrassoPlease direct to the Football Program
Gustav A. Carle
Heather Hall
Hector Arocena
Henry Soto
Hilda Macejka
In memory of John Macejka '52
Irma McDarby
In honor of John G. McDarbyIn memory of my Husband, John McDarby -
James Bowler
James Corbalis
James Creighton
James Devlin
James Guerci
James J. Raymer
In honor of 2025 and 2026 Hayes Stock Challenge
James M. McNamara
James Murray
James V Capuano Jr.
I was living in the Bronx River Projects, 1609 E 174th Street Bronx, and freshman year was spent in the Annex Building (St. Helena's H.S.)
James connolly
Great teachers and student fellowship - if you needed a hand, it was always there for you.
Jeanne Marie O’Regan
Jeans Santana
Jennifer Rhodes
Jeremiah M. Sugrue
Jerry Rogich
Joan C
In memory of My husband, Bart D. Carmody, Hayes '57, today would be his 85th birthday.
John A. McGuire
John Bendick
Thank-you for a great education.
John Buckley
John Cifu
John Cutter
John Dalton
John Fallon
Keep educating
John J Kearney
John J. Randolph
John Jaeger
John M Alamo
John M. Riedl
John Mager
In honor of All deceased members of the Class of 1957
John Magiera
Daily engagement with all our teaching Orders: Diocesan Priests, Marist Brothers, Xaverian Brothers, Irish Christian Brothers, Franciscan Brothers, Lay Teachers/Staff...
John McGovern
John OBoyle
John Reape
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. John H. Reape Sr.
John Sherlock
In memory of Maryellen Sherlock
John Torell
Annual Soirée Musicale; Student Prince(; Cyranno;
John Tritto
Jorge Saenz De Viteri
Up Hayes and All its Loyal Men! Class of 1985! Celebrating 40 Years! 1985 - 2025
Jose A. Delgado
Joseph Campisi
Joseph Lomascolo
Up Hayes and All Its Loyal Men and my classmates from the Class of 1970.
Joseph Puglia
In honor of Nancy and Frank PugliaWonderful teachers and fantastic school spirit.
Joseph Ryan
Jude Heaney
Julio Marzan
Julius DiFiore
Performing in the Hayes plays and in the Band.
Kenneth McGowan
Kevin J. Ganns
Kurt Bielefeldt
In honor of my favorite teachers: Rev John Breen, Mrs. Annette Kiamie, Mr. Walter Kroczak & Msgr. George Tiffany
Leonard Vecchio
In memory of Mary & Vincent Vecchio
Lisa Mahoney
Loretta/Robert DiLorenzo
Lou McElwain
Up Hayes and all its Loyal Men.
Lou McElwain
Playing BBall for Coach Hart and Coach Murray while graduating as a Homeroom D student.
Louis Gonzalez
Louis M. Lavoie
In memory of Louis Lavoie Sr. (Dad), Jean Lavoie (Mom) and Victoria Lavoie (Wife)
Louis T. DeBlasio
Louis Williams
Up Hayes and all it’s Loyal Men!
Luis H. Sanchez
Luis Martos
Margaret Platt
In honor of Thomas J. Grant '49Please apply these funds to the Thomas J. Grant Endowment. And thank you for all you do!
Marianne Duggan
In honor of Timothy F. Duggan, Class of 1947
Marquis James
Cardinal me a well rounded education which prepared me for college I became class president my freshman year and I am student body president for my junior and senior year graduating 2025
Mary Jane Rooney
Matt Reason
Michael & Renee Minogue Foundation
In honor of Thomas Bohan
Michael A. Mulvaney
Michael BUTLER
In honor of Amelia & Wesley ButlerBonding with friends at lunch.
Michael Desko
Michael Johnson
Graduation at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Michael Kakos
Michael Leal
In honor of please direct to Right to Life march
Michael Leal
Contribution to the cost of the Right to Life March
Michael P. Baione
In honor of Joan A. O'MalleyFortunate to be A Hayesman and Proud of it...Up Hayes, For God and Country
Michael Piccolino
Support for Hayesmen! Keep up the good work and never give up...
Michael Putnick
Michael Tighe
In honor of Seamus McMorrow
Nicole Vann
Nicole Welch
Noel Brandon
In honor of Father AnsaldiKeep up the excellence in educating our young men.
Owen McDonnell
In honor of March for LifeKeep up the good work. We need these young men to better our world.
Owen O. Mc. Donnell
Pamela & Andrew Acquarulo
Pasquale Carlucci
In honor of ‘69 Classmates Peter Brunelli & Bobby Boldrin
Patrick Carney
In honor of Terrance SmithThis is in honor of Terrance Smith
Patrick Quigley
In honor of William Quigley'50 and Charles Quigley'55Serata Italiana and The Man Who Came to Dinner
Patrick T. Leahy
Paul Dumont
Keep up the great work in the new year!
Paul Garrin
Mr Lessa was a great teacher and guidance counselor
Paul Italia
Paul La Rosa
In memory of all the classmates from 1971 no longer with us. Godspeed!
Paul Puccio
Paul Saunders
Pedro Cardi
Hayes - Keep turning boys into men.
Pedro Medina
Peter Gagne
In memory of Frank Gagne
Peter Matz
In honor of Don Grasso
Peter OHare
In honor of Father Dan Brady
Ralph Fuccillo
Rasheed Bey
Raymond Boyce
Raymond Powers
The teachers. All cared about us.
Raymond Powers Sr
Graduating in St Patrick’s Cathederal. Waiting to open folder to find out if I was graduating.
Raymond Priore
Rebecca Vela
Super proud of ALL of these young men. They are our future!
Ricardo Padilla
Football Pep Rallies, Football games, West Side Story and Music Man school plays. Having talented classmates and friends in all of that. My English Teacher Mr. Kerrigan. Our AP Calculus Teacher and Varsity Football Coach Mr. B.
Richard Cohan
Richard Hellenbrecht
Great education experience in The Bronx!
Richard Whalen
Robair Maldonado
In honor of The Enio Maldonado '57 Scholarship Fund
Robert Burns
In honor of Class of 1969Please add to the Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund
Robert Dicheck
Robert J. Tambini
Robert M. McDonnell
Robert Mariani
Robert McKenna
In honor of Carol E McKennaWonderful faculty. Many lifetime friends.
Robert Rico
Beat the Mount!
Robert Rodriguez
Thank you to all at Hayes for providing a great start to life for generations of NYC boys.
Robert Schaffer
In honor of Robert A. Henry (Class of 1951)
Robert Scully, S.J.
May the good work of faith and justice continue!
Robert Smith
In honor of Michael A. Johnston Scholarship Fund
Robert Taverni
Ron Rhodes
For all the hard work of the Development Staff
Ronald Smith
Rosemarie Flanagan-Rizvi
In honor of Frank J. Lossmann
Roy Longarzo
Sal Bosco
Samuel Fifer
Sean Cannon
Stanley Magda
Stephen Giorgio
Stephen Kaczmar
Stephen Scarpati
In memory of my Mom
Steve Fraher
In memory of Danny Condon '70
Winning the city championship as member of hockey team in senior year!
Ted Bracht
Football victory over the Mount (Nov ‘64)
Thomas C. Humbert
Thomas Cassidy
Thomas Evans
In honor of Fr. James Conlan
Thomas Hickey
Thomas J Kenneally
Thomas Krentel
Keep Moving Forward
Thomas McGrath
Thomas McNally
Thomas O'Donnell, Jr.
Thomas Wheeler
Tiana Sloan
In honor of Walter LeStrange '74
Tiana Sloan
In honor of Walter LeStrange ‘74
Tyrone Branch
In honor of a portion to the James White (1963) Scholarship Fund, the remainder for the schoolAlways mindful of the education and friends that Hayes has given to me!
Van Gibson
Veron Brookes
My favorite memory of being at Cardinal Hayes was running on the track team…..Up Hayes
Victor Torres
Up Hayes and all its loyal men! Class of 86
Vincent Coogan
In honor of Kathleen Coogan
William A. Kelly
William Artiga
In honor of Departed Brothers of ‘93
William Beazer
William Briscoe
In memory of Brother Thomas Ryan C.F.X. '66
William Frank
William Landers
In honor of Milton JacksonThe Friends I made along the way!
William McKernan
All the great priests and brothers that taught us. Very special people.
William Regan
In honor of Bob O’Keefe
William Weaver
Go Hayes
Arthur garofalo
Bartholomew carmody
Charles poussaint
Frank bia
In honor of Dan Cherico ('63)Supportive classmates
John mc laughlin mc laughlin
winning a christ statue in mechanical drawing class.there was a student from each of the brothers classes.we were to roll dice to determine the winner,i think i rolled a ten and won.
Ken orgera
Lawrence delsonno
Hello to all of my 1966 classmates. Up Hayes and all of its loyal men!
Michael brosnan
Nicholas krassy
In honor of Rev Francis PrincipeBetter education than my brother received at Regis HS
Philip sommers
Rita mccarthy
Sal Lignore
William jordan
Up Hayes , and my classmated of 1970 !
In honor of Fr. Tierney, Ms. Fraleigh and Jr. JosephForever grateful for all you did for our son.